Fan Of… Daily Post

Hi all 😃 Now that Becky’s #JulySquares has come to and end, I thought I’d challenge myself to post daily something that I am a Fan Of…. I decided to start off with Star Wars, and see where I go from there. Feel free to join in with anything that you are a Fan Of… and post your entries on my daily post.

Star Wars R2D2 bt Jez Braithwaite

How To Join In

  1. Create a Fan Of… Photo Post.
  2. Add a link to your Fan of… blog post in my comment box.
  3. Title your post Fan Of… or add Fan Of… tag.

12 thoughts on “Fan Of… Daily Post

  1. oh what a brilliant idea . . . I am not sure I am going to be able to join in that much as taking a break for much of August, however such a brilliant concept I am sure one or two might sneak in!!

    Have you alerted Cee to your cunning plan as she has a fabulous page which promotes regular challenges, and she has so many followers it is always a great place to have your challenge mentioned.

    1. Thanks, Becky 😃 Cee was my next port of call. Hope you have a great break and enjoy August. Thanks again for your JulySquares challenge, it was a lot of fun 😁

Great to hear your thoughts 😃