Fan Of… #24 — Himalayan Rock Salt Tea Light Holder

Hi all 😁 Welcome to today’s Fan Of… Himalayan Rock Salt Tea Light Holder (try saying that quick after a glass of wine πŸ˜‚). As well as looking great, himalayan salt is known to emit negative ions when warmed, which help purify the air against allergens and pollutants. The opacity of the salt creates a soft glow, and the varied chrystalline structure alters the light levels coming through different parts of the holder.

Have a great day 😁

4 thoughts on “Fan Of… #24 — Himalayan Rock Salt Tea Light Holder

  1. Hi Jez. I plan to do more of your Fan of… but it just seems so hard to get them created and scheduled in time. I have a multitude of ideas though so I will be back.

Great to hear your thoughts πŸ˜ƒ