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Hielan Coo β€” Animals in Scots #20


Hi all 😁 The Hielan Coo (highland cow) is today’s Animal in Scots.

The Hielan was originally kept by small farmers for milk and meat. The Hielan Kye (highland cattle) herd book was established in 1885; making it the oldest in the world, Β and the hielan coo the oldest registered breed. A group of Highland cattle is known as a β€œfold”, owing to them being kept in open stone shelters overnight, to protect them from the weather.

Black coated hielan coo
Black coated hielan coo

All the Scots words for these posts are taken from The Concise English-Scots Dictionary, by the Scottish National Dictionary Association. The words chosen will be the generally accepted term, but as in all languages there are regional variations, as well as sub-species variations. For example, an owl is generally known as a hoolet in Scots, but an ool in Shetland & the NE. A barn owl is a white hoolet & a long eared owl, a hornnie hoolet.

Hae a guid day 😁

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