Arbroath 700 Years on

Hi all šŸ˜

Today marks the 700th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Arbroath, a letter sent to the Pope on 6th April 1320, declaring Scotland as an independant nation.

Many of us were intending visiting this historic town today to mark the occasion & on Saturday to march for independance for Scotland. With the current global pandemic, all plans were rightly shelved and the march postponed.

I therefore bring Arbroath to you, so we can all be there in spirit, if not in body.


13 thoughts on “Arbroath 700 Years on

  1. A beautiful selection of images Jez and thank you for bringing Arbroath to us. We’ll be there in spirit today šŸ™‚

      1. Still getting out once a day with my wife for our daily exercise (masks & gloves at the ready) whilst we’re still allowed. We tend to be out around six in the morning when the place is pretty much deserted šŸ˜ƒ

Great to hear your thoughts šŸ˜ƒ