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Mannerism Blossom: FOTD Apr 17


Hi all 👋 My latest post for Cee’s FOTD.


As with my latest Fan Of… post (see link 👇), I’m exploring some DALL-E AI preset styles for my edits.

Today, I’m trying out the Mannerism style. It came out really well, so for the second, I simply got the AI to add a Mennersim-style frame. I’ve included a wee history on the Mannersim Period as well.

Mannerism is a style in European art that emerged in the later years of the Italian High Renaissance around 1520. It spread by about 1530 and lasted until about the end of the 16th century in Italy when the Baroque style largely replaced it. Northern Mannerism continued into the early 17th century.

Mannerism is an art movement that emerged in reaction to the harmonious ideals of the High Renaissance. It exaggerates proportion, balance, and ideal beauty, often resulting in asymmetrical or unnaturally elegant compositions. The style favours compositional tension and instability rather than balance and clarity. Mannerism in literature and music is also known for its ornate style and intellectual sophistication.

Mannerism was an anti-classical movement that differed from the Renaissance aesthetic. Initially praised by Vasari, it was later criticized for straying from natural truth. Mannerist artists experimented with art perception using unique characteristics.

Below is a comparison of the Renaissance & Mannerism styles.

Renaissance on left/Mannerism on right

If you follow my blog, you know I’m currently working on a project fusing my photography with AI creativity. For more on my journey with AI, check out my Fan Of… series, the latest of which is a reimagining of some lensball shots.

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