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Fan Of… #39 — Owl Magic


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Hi all 😁 This week’s Fan Of… is Owl Magic.

Whilst in town yesterday, I saw this group had set up a wee display with some of their owls. Based down in Ayrshire, Owl Magic, as well as running personal birds of prey experiences, travel the country putting on displays at events. So keep an eye out for these guys, they have a fantastic collection of birds and are a great learning experience for all.

These are some photos of a few of their owls.

This is Chilli, a spectacled owl; I got to hold him!!!

Chilli — Spectacled Owl
What Coffee???

How To Join In

  1.  1 Create a Fan Of… Photo Post.
  2. Add a link to your Fan of… blog post in my comment box or create a pingback by linking to my post.
  3. Title your post Fan Of… or add Fan Of… tag.

Have a great week 😁

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