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Blue Sky Backdrop — Fan Of… #65


Hi all 😁 Feel free to join in this weekly challenge whenever you find yourself thinking “I’m a fan of…” (see below for how to).

This week’s Fan Of… is blue sky backdrop. I was getting shots of some carnations in the back garden the other day and thought they would look good against the blue of the sky. Happy with the results, I started shooting up at an angle to really get the depth of blue coming through. This was very effective with the yellow and pink bouquet 😃

It turns out I’ve been a Fan Of… this for a while; this gallery is from about 10 years ago 😀

How To Join In
1. Create a Fan Of… Photo Post.
2. Add a link to your Fan of… blog post in my comment box or create a pingback by linking to my post.
3. Title your post Fan Of… or add Fan Of… tag.

Have a great week 😁

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