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Lensball Mangnification — Fan Of… #92


Hi all 😁 Feel free to join in this weekly challenge whenever you find yourself thinking “I’m a fan of…” (see below for how to).

This week’s Fan Of… the magnification of ice crystals in a lensball.

I was recently up at Palacerigg Country Park on a cold winters morning. I’d literally just raced the sun to the top of the park for the first sunrise shots of the New Year.

New Year sunrise

Happy with the sunrise shots, I headed off to a different part of the park for more lensball landscape shots.

Lensball landscape

The wood that lensy was sat on had frost on it where the crystals had grown in the shape of the wood grain.

Ice crystals

I noticed that looking down through the lensball, the ice crystals were magnified, with a star burst effect round the outside 😎

The next shots were taken in a slightly different place.

The ice structure was very different.

How To Join In

1. Create a Fan Of… Photo Post.
2. Add a link to your Fan of… blog post in my comment box or create a pingback by linking to my post.
3. Title your post Fan Of… or add Fan Of… tag.

Have a great couple of weeks 😃

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