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Actually in Colour β€” Lens-Artists Challenge #156


Hi all πŸ˜ƒ My entry for this weeks challenge: Black & White, set by Anne of Slow Shutter Speed.

I thought I’d take a different approach to this one & share some shots that look black & white but are actually colour originals. This effect has come about from a combination of lighting, subject matter & even meteorology. At first the effect was unintentional, but became something I sought out from time to time.

The first are a pair of black boots on an indoor studio set up; I used to wear these at work & looking closer you can see blue paint transfer from pallets around the sole.

A snowy scene outside the front of my house; the yellow warning sign gives the colour origin away.

The next shot is of a snowy day in the park; those that follow were taken once the mist descended, all colour was leached out & the shots become naturally monochromatic.

Cumbernauld House Park in the snow

Of course Lensy wanted in on the action πŸ˜‚ Normally he deepens the colours, particularly in the blue spectrum (you can see the blue trying to come through in the sky under the branch), so this effect was quite hard to achieve.

Some iron fillings on a magnetic screwdriver tip.

…and finally, a decanter set, again on the fake backdrop.

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