It’s Negative 🎉 — Covid 19 Test Update

Hi all 😃 Just a quick update message! After a somewhat tense 36 hour wait, we finally got our results through & thankfully both were negative -- yay us 😁 We thought that would be the end of it & life would resume as normal, or what has become the new normal. However we're both … Continue reading It’s Negative 🎉 — Covid 19 Test Update

The Waiting Begins — Covid 19 Test

Hi all 😃 Just a quick message! My wife, Susan, hadn't been feeling 100% for a couple of days (98% in her own words) & started to get a bit of a niggle in her throat today; so we started monitoring her temperature & found it was about 1.5℃ up from normal throughout the day … Continue reading The Waiting Begins — Covid 19 Test

A Huge Thank You 🙏

As I continue to recover from my appendectomy, & dip my toes back into WordPress, I'd just like to say a huge thank you to all you awesome folk out there sending their best wishes my way. I had hoped to be back up & running on WordPress earlier. However, my body had a different … Continue reading A Huge Thank You 🙏

In Hospital with Suspected Appendicitis.

In Monklands. Hi all 😷 Just been admitted to Monklands Hospital with suspected appendicitis; so will be out of commission for as wee while (apart from my scheduled raindrops post tomorrow).

WooHoo 🎉

One Day to Go!!!

Sporadic Posts

Hi all 😁 With COVID-19 well and truly on the rampage, my own posts and paticipating in challenges will be a bit sporadic at best. I work in retail, and with the craziness going on in shops at the moment, and the possibility of colleagues phoning in sick, I'm pretty slammed with work; photography has … Continue reading Sporadic Posts

Photos by Jez

Hi all 😁 After six months of serious photo blogging, I figured it was time for a name change for the site, and here it is: Photos by Jez. There will also be a new gravatar name (same as site -- because I'm super imaginative) and image.


A huge thank you to all my fantastic followers; you are all awesome 👏👏👏