Sculpture Saturday Week 6 — Declaration of Arbroath Statue

Hi all 😁 My entry for chasingamemory’s Sculpture Saturday challenge.

The Declaration of Arbroath statue stands on the main road into Arbroath. The two figures on the plinth are Bernard, Abbot of Arbroath, who in April 1320 oversaw the drafting of the declaration, and Robert “The Bruce”, King of Scots.

9 thoughts on “Sculpture Saturday Week 6 — Declaration of Arbroath Statue

  1. I’m always inspired by your work, Jez. I dedicated my most recent post to you. It contains some lovely close ups of a beautiful green snake that I stumbled across while walking in a park here in Annapolis, Maryland, USA. I have you don’t take offense to the subject. Some people really hate snakes. I’m the opposite. I think that they are beautiful. Best wishes to you! Russell

    1. Thanks, Russell 😁 I saw the snake post and it is fantastic and although I’ve not met any snakes, I like them for the variety and colours there are. I’m glad you’re getting to grips with the zoom lens

      1. I’ve always had an affinity to snakes, and they seem to reciprocate. As a young lad from the ages of ten to fourteen, I used to catch them with my bare hands- only bitten once. My mother absolutely hates them. When she discovered one in her bed, i was forced to set all of my “pets’ free.

Great to hear your thoughts 😃