Gaislin — Animals in Scots #25

Hi all 😁 Following on from guse yesterday, the younger versions are gaislins (goslings).

Gaislins by Jez Braithwaite

4 thoughts on “Gaislin — Animals in Scots #25

  1. This morning i took our 4 month old puppy out for a walk at the side of the field behind our house. It does not belong to us but to our neighbor the farmer. Until yesterday it was full of soybeans but now they are harvested. June, the puppy , had a new vista across the field as the bean plants were gone and what did she see?Canada guse! A whole gaggle of them. And she took off toward them . I called but she did not come back. The farmer was in his parking lot with a lot of other workers and trucks loading beans into the drying silos. I had a vision of my puppy sending the guse(s) into a cacophony of guse calls and knowing they are pretty vicious I feared for the little pup. In the nick of time she turned and looked at me and I had a small stick in my hand and I waved it and said :”Come and get this stick!” She loves sticks so she came running back. Next time I will take her out on the leash. Apologies for such a long comment.

    1. That’s awesome, Anne 😁 and no need to apologise for long comments. We had a springer when I was growing up and it was a job and a half to divert her attention if she saw a bird; invariably she would be off with me chasing behind 😂

Great to hear your thoughts 😃