A Branch for Lensy to Sit On — Fan Of… #89

Hi all 😁 Feel free to join in this weekly challenge whenever you find yourself thinking “I’m a fan of…” (see below for how to).

This week’s Fan Of… is a branch to sit Lensy on. I’m always on the lookout for somthing to sit Lensy (my lensball) on; I can often get much clearer pictures that way. If I’m lucky there are some low or fallen branches that I can use.

Whilst writing this post, I realised that some of the shots from different times of the year had a similar composition, so I thought I’d use the compare block to display them.

How To Join In

1. Create a Fan Of… Photo Post.
2. Add a link to your Fan of… blog post in my comment box or create a pingback by linking to my post.
3. Title your post Fan Of… or add Fan Of… tag.

Have a great week 😃

11 thoughts on “A Branch for Lensy to Sit On — Fan Of… #89

Great to hear your thoughts 😃