Magnolia — Weekend FOTD May 25/26

Hi all 👋 My latest post for Cee’s FOTD.

With Cee recuperating, I’ll be posting flowers daily to give her a bit of floral delight (my version of a bouquet) 🤩


As with my latest Fan Of… post (see link 👇), I’m exploring some DALL-E AI preset styles for my edits.

Again, I’ve stayed with the elegant magnolias, & I’ve done another ice-style transformation. This time, however, I tweaked the prompt to have the ice melting & the result looks like the flowers are emerging from an ice casing 😃

If you follow my blog, you know I’m currently working on a project fusing my photography with AI creativity. For more on my journey with AI, check out my Fan Of… series, the latest of which is a reimagining of some lensball shots.

Great to hear your thoughts 😃