My First Squares — PastSquares Oct 01

I thought I'd re-share my first ever Squares from over 2 years ago for my first entry for Becky's PastSquares challenge. Becky's Square challenge was one of the first challenges I got heavily involved with when I started out on my blogging journey & was the inspiration for my own Fan Of... challenge (☜ click … Continue reading My First Squares — PastSquares Oct 01

In Amongst the Junk — Tuesday Photo Challenge

Hi all 😁 Here's my entry for Franks Tuesday Photo Challenge: Junk. It may be a pile of junk to some, but it's home to this little lizard. Lizard Junk

July 17 — Blue Squares — Sunbathing

Here's my first entry for Becky's #JulySquares challenge -- Blue Any one around? Nope, looks good over there. Time for some rays 😂