Satellite (Its not cheating when its a homophone 😂) — PastSquares

Hi all 😁 Here's my latest entry for Becky B's #PastSquares. This was originally posted as part of Becky's LightSquares in January, when I was essentially seeing what I could get away with & is one of my favourite past squares I knew there had to be a way to get this mural of a … Continue reading Satellite (Its not cheating when its a homophone 😂) — PastSquares

Satellite (Its not cheating when its a homophone 😂)

Hi all 😁 Here's my latest entry for Becky B's January Squares. I knew there had to be a way to get this mural of a satellite into the squares 🤔; at first I was going to use the fact that there is starlight around it as a way in, then I remembered homophones 🧐: … Continue reading Satellite (Its not cheating when its a homophone 😂)