You Have 3 Wishes — Thursday Trios

Hi all 😃 My latest post for Mama Cormier's Thursday Trios. Dandelions

Wishes — FOTD May 24

Hi all 😃 My latest post for Cee's FOTD. Dandelions

Thistle Explodes into a Thousand Wishes

Hi all 😃 My entry for Debbie's Six Word Saturday. Thistle releasing seeds

Wish Launcher — FOTD Aug 15

Hi all 😃 My latest post for Cee's FOTD. I have no idea what this plant is; it has long thin stems/leafs that split apart to release the wishes 🤔

Make a Wish — CMMC

Hi all 😃 My entry for Cee's Midweek Madness Challenge: June Close Up or Macro.

Wishes Blown Away, Autumn is Here

Hi all 😃 My entry for Debbie's Six Word Saturday. Old dandelion head

Wishes — Macro Monday Sep 14