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Treasured Memories at the Beach β€” Lens-Artists Challenge #206


Hi all πŸ˜ƒ My entry for this weeks challenge, set by Aletta from nowathome: Treasures; this is also my entry for Terri’s Sunday Stills.

A lot of my treasured memories are time spent at the beach with my wife, Susan. We met whilst both on meteorological courses in the Navy, at Culdrose in Cornwall. We both have an affinity for the sea & spent alot of time walking or body-boarding at the many beaches. This first set of beaches are at Malibu & Santa Monica from 12 years ago when we spent a month there after I retired from the Navy.

The next set are at Peterhead in the north-east of Scotland; as you can see. we are at the beach in all weathers; we often prefer the blustery days, it keeps most other people away πŸ˜‚

Next up is the beach at Broughty Ferry, nr Dundee in Scotland. We were fortunate to come across some wee treasures in the form of beach art.

The final beach is from a trip to the picturesque sea town of Arbroath, again in Scotland.

I’ve been given the fantastic opportunity to host LAPC next week (Sat 9th July), so stop on by where I’ll be seeing double.

Till then, hae a guid week 😁

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