Another Rainy Bike Ride — Fan Of…

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My Fan Of… this week is another rainy day on the bikes with some strong winds added for good measure. We’d promised ourselves a quick 10-mile ride to blow away some cobwebs, so we decided to head to the Forth & Clyde Canal. The day we chose started out rainy & windy but was forecast to clear up by 0900. Susan looked out & said the forecast was wrong, & it was going to rain all day; she was right.

We wanted to get out on the bikes, though & so got our wet weather gear and set out into 20mph winds & horizontal rain 🌧️ & headed to the Canal.

We were a wee bit drookit by the time we got there 😂

We stopped at the top of the hill above the canal to enjoy the views 🤣

This is the view on a clear day!

On our way down to the canal, we had a quick chat with some soggy sheep 🐑

Once down at the canal, we had a quick breather for some juice & a few pictures.

These are some shots from a previous sunny visit.

Pictures taken, we headed back for a well-deserved coffee & cake. We did get a lot of strange looks from everyone inside the coffee shop as we sat outside in the wind & rain. I think we also weirded them out by being happy & laughing at the fact we were both drenched as we enjoyed our coffees in the fresh air.

Come back next week to see some Lensy re-imaginings.

Lensball landscape
Lensball landscape


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  1. Create a Fan Of… Photo Post.
  2. Add a link to your Fan of… blog post in my comment box or create a pingback by linking to my post.
  3. Title your post Fan Of… or add a Fan Of… tag.

Hae a guid week 😁

6 thoughts on “Another Rainy Bike Ride — Fan Of…

Great to hear your thoughts 😃