Another Rainy Bike Ride — Fan Of…

Hi all 😁 Feel free to join this weekly challenge whenever you think, “I’m a fan of…” (see below for how-to). Join the fun Create a Fan Of… Photo Post. Add a link to your Fan of… blog post in my comment box or create a pingback by linking to my post. Title your post … Continue reading Another Rainy Bike Ride — Fan Of…

Guess Which Way The Wind Blows

Hi all 😃 My entry for Debbie's Six Word Saturday. This hawthorn bush sits next to the Fife Coastal Path on the clifftop section. The prevailing south-westerly winds blow up the cliff face, forming the hawthorn into this wind-swept shape 😃

Windswept Pigeon — Monday Portrait Apr 17

This is a fun challenge not hosted by anyone, so if you want to join in, just post a photo.

A Wild Day at the Coast — RDP

Hi all 😃 My post for Ragtag Daily Prompt Friday: Noises.

Wind — OWS

Hi all 😃 My entry for Debbie's One Word Sunday: Wind. Wind sock