Fan Of… Daily Post #5 — Canon Rebel T1i

Meet Snappy, he has been my partner in photographic crime coming on almost a decade now. I bought him at the beginning of 2010 and he was my first, and thus far, only DSLR. After much searching on-line, I came across a site that was selling factory refurbishments. He basically had an issue, was sent … Continue reading Fan Of… Daily Post #5 — Canon Rebel T1i

Fan Of… Daily Post #4 — Sigma 18-300mm Lens

My wife bought me this lens a couple of years ago and it straight away made photographic life much easier. Prior to this, I had a standard 18-55mm lens, and an 18-200mm zoom. This meant carrying both lenses around with me, and swapping them around depending on the shot I was going for. The 18-300mm … Continue reading Fan Of… Daily Post #4 — Sigma 18-300mm Lens