Dream Holidays — Lens-Artists Challenge #223

Hi all 😃 My entry for this week’s challenge, set by John of Journeys With Johnbo: Flights of Fancy.

My wife, Susan, grew up on re-runs of American 80s shows set around Santa Monica, Malibu & LA. This lead to dreams of visiting those places on holiday. Our first trip to the US together was to Houston, to A buffy the Vampire convention (yep, we’re nerds 🤓). After that, whilst still in the Navy, we made it across to Santa Monica & Malibu a few times. Susan has always been a huge fan of Ford Mustangs & we were able to rent them on our holidays.

Susan behind the wheel of a Mustang on the Pacific Coast Highway.


We were able to visit many places, including the La Brea Tar Pits, Peterson Motor Museum & the Observatory, to mention a few.

When I retired from the Navy in 2009, we booked a house below the Serra Hills in Malibu for a month, rented a Mustang & had a fantasic time travelling aound the local area. We often avoided the busy freeways & took surface streets; this allowed us to see so much more of the LA coastal area.

12 thoughts on “Dream Holidays — Lens-Artists Challenge #223

  1. The feeling of happiness and accomplishment when we realize the fans’ pilgrimages of our dreams is really something else, isn’t it? It’s fun to see photos from and read about your and Susan’s pilgrimage trips!

  2. My husband and I have good friends in Santa Monica and have visited them often so quite a bit of your travels match with ours Jez. One of my favorite visits ever was the Tar Pits. I had no idea it existed and found it truly fascinating. Loved your cruisin’ post this week, terrific response!

  3. Truly a flight of fancy, Jez. I grew up about an hour’s drive south of Santa Monica in Long Beach, so I know why taking the surface streets can be an advantage. 🙂

Great to hear your thoughts 😃