Coastal Walks — Sunday Stills

Hi all 😃 My latest entry for Terri's Sunday Stills: The Glowing Life of Plants. My wife and I stumbled upon these lovely flowers during our walks along the coastal paths of Scotland. Although some of these flowers may be common, we discovered them hidden among the dunes and along the clifftop trails 😃

Feathered Friends at the Coast — Sunday Stills

Hi all 😃 My latest entry for Terri's Sunday Stills: Fun with feathered & furry friends. During our recent trips to the east and west coasts, I captured these feathery shots. We came across some lovely swans and their young at Straiton Pond, located just south of Edinburgh. And for the furry section, some cute … Continue reading Feathered Friends at the Coast — Sunday Stills

Pink In The Wild — Sunday Stills

Hi all 😃 My latest entry for Terri's Sunday Stills: Pink in the Great Outdoors.

Watery Highways — Sunday Stills

Hi all 😃 My latest entry for Terri's Sunday Stills: Rivers. River Doon, Ayrshire River Clyde, Glasgow River Kelvin, Glasgow River Irvine, Ayrshire

Let There Be Light — CBWC

Hi all 😃 My entry for Cee's Black & White Challenge: Lights of Any Kind & Terri's Sunday Stills #Light.

Naturally Brown — Sunday Stills

Hi all 😃 My latest entry for Terri's Sunday Stills: Monthly Colour Challenge -- Leather & Shades of Brown. Autumn is the perfect time of year for browns; all the changinging leafs & sead pods... ...& of course the autumn landscapes. We mustn't forget our feathered & hairy friends 😃

Up Close in the Garden — Sunday Stills & Macro Monday

Hi all 😃 My latest entry for Terri's Sunday Stills: Garden Macros & Close-Ups. This is also my post for Macro Monday.

A Splash of Yellow — Sunday Stills

Hi all 😃 My latest entry for Terri's Sunday Stills: Monthly Colour Challenge -- Mustard.

Guess Who? — Lens-Artists Challenge #211

Hi all 😃 My entry for this week's challenge, set by Anne of Slow Shutter Speed: What's Your Photographic Groove. If you guessed Lensy, give yourselves a gold star & sweetie. Lensy is, of course, my particular Photographic Groove, but not my only one. Lensball above the clouds So first, my other grooves. Like Anne, … Continue reading Guess Who? — Lens-Artists Challenge #211